Installing Linux


Before we can use Linux we need to install Linux. 

Hopefully you have downloaded the resources I suggested. If not, please do so before continuing. I also suggest watching each video in full screen to be able to see better details of what is taking place. 

What are Virtual Machines?

Before we install Linux as a Virtual Machine (VM) we need to understand virtualization.  Please watch video to understand VMs. 

Obtaining VMware

VMware Fusion and VMware Workstation Pro are now free.  You need to create a Broadcom account to gain access to the downloads. Broadcom bought VMware, so you need to create an account on their support site.  Please read and follow the directions on this site: 

Enabling Virtualization in your BIOS

Only Windows users need to do this. MacOS will run a VM without issues. If you have an Apple with a M1 CPU please email me ASAP. We will need to work together to get this to work.

Please follow the steps below. Keep in mind these are generic steps and might differ for your computer system. 

Installing Linux as a VM

We will be using MX Linux in this course. Please download MX Linux and watch the video to install Linux as a VM. 

As we will be using Linux throughout this course, this is a critical first step in your success in this course.

Please watch this video about installing MX Linux on MacOS using VMware Fusion.

VMware Workstation Install

Please watch this video about installing MX Linux using Windows 11 and VMware Workstation.

New Apple M1/M2 CPUs

If you have a new Apple Computer, follow the instructions in this video. Currently, VMware Fusion does not work on an Apple M1/M2 CPU. Also, MX Linux is only made for x64 CPU architecture, but the M1/M2 is an ARM64 architecture, so this will not work either.

Links in video:

Command to install GUI:

sudo apt update

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop