Partitions and FIlesystems


During the installation of Linux you'll be asked about partitioning your drive. When you create a partition you are creating different areas on the drive that data can be stored. There is not really a standard way of partitioning drives for Linux, but each distro has their own way. Think of a distro like flavors of ice cream. Ice cream has many flavors and each person has their favorite. Linux is the same where a distro is like a flavor of ice cream.

Primary Partition

  • A drive can only contain 4 primary partitions

  • Contains only 1 filesystem

  • OS installed on primary partitions

Extended Partition

  • A drive can contain 1 extended partition

  • This extended partition can be divided up into multiple logical partitions

  • Each logical partition can have a unique filesystem

Example Partitioning Schemes


We now have a basic understanding of how to partition a drive. Let us look at filesystems. Coming from Windows where we are use to only a single filesystem Linux gives us freedom to choose what we'd like.

Please read "Which Linux File System Should I Use?" as this article provides details about the types of filesystems that are supported in Linux. I know it is a few years old, but it still provides relevant data.

The Linux filesystem hierarchy

Window gives each partition or drive a unique drive letter (C:, D:, E:, etc.). This is not the case in Linux. Linux uses a tree structure and everything starts at "Root" which is denoted as /.

You can add a new drive or partition anywhere within the linux filesystem hierarchy. This provides a very seamless and clean user experience.