Software Management in Linux

Software Management

Just like your personal computer it is important to keep your Linux system updated. Also, you install new software to use on your personal computer and you will need to do the same in Linux. Linux does make this easy by using package management. Think of this as an online repository that you can search and download software to use within Linux. It makes getting access to new software super easy! 

Linux distributions have taken two different paths, the Red Hat or Debian way. Both ways have their differences, and you should learn how to use both. The reason you should learn both is that depending on where you find employment they might be a Red Hat company or they could be a Debian company. You want to make sure you are comfortable using both. Even though we are only using MX Linux (Debian way) you will use CentOS in the NetLab, so you will gain some experience with using RPMs (Red Hat way).  It is also important to make sure we understand the naming convention used in Debian packages

Debian Package Naming

It is important to make sure you understand the naming convention used in Debian packages . This helps you with understanding if the update to the package (software/library/code) is a major or minor update. 

Commands Used to Manage Your Linux System

apt & apt-get & apt-cache

apt and apt-get are similar commands. These commands allow you to install, update, remove software on a Debian based Linux distro.

apt-cache allows you to obtain information related to packages.


aptitude is another way to manage packages in a Debian based distro. You might be wonder why are we learning multiple ways to do the same thing? Linux provides you many ways to do the same thing and I want you to find a method that works best for you and your understanding.

dpkg & dpkg-reconfigure

dpkg is another tool that you can use to install, build, remove and manage Debian packages.   The aptitude command uses dpkg behind the scenes to perform the actions you request. 

dpkg-reconfigure will allow you to reconfigure a package after it has been installed.